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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
McCormick, Andrew J FW - Engineering Limited Term Lect $ 3,760.02
McCormick, Cassandra L WL - Communication Clerical $ 17,078.89
McCormick, John A WL - Building Services Service $ 30,867.17
McCormick, Robynne L WL - Sponsored Program Se Admin/Prof $ 42,218.20

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
McCormick, WL - Patti and Rusty Rueff Service
Oberley, Theresa WL - 4Agronomy Faculty
Vantwoud, WL - 4SBBCLE Non-exempt Prof
Tracy, WL - 4Management Limited Term Lect
Watts, Val WL - WL HARR RA Professional
Boruch, WL - Ctr for Prf Stds in Support
Erlewine, Elizabeth CAL - 1SAS Post Doc
Hsu, CAL - 1Chem Physic Admin/Prof
Lybrook, Daniel WL - Polytechnic South Be Student
Rowand, Cathie WL - Vet Clinical Science Clerical
Huang, WL - Animal Sciences Rese Operations/Technical

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