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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Maxson, Jennifer L WL - Office of VP for Inf Operations/Technical $ 36,756.48
Maxson, Terry W WL - McCutcheon Residence Service $ 1,416.00

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Marlin, WL - Anthropology Admin/Prof
Maxson, NC - The College of Liber facult
Royer, Michael WL - Liberal Arts Counsel Clerical
Sarjent, Scott WL - Business Office Scie Student
Bhadra, Anindya NC - Institutional Resear Professional
Campbell, Fred WL - Ofc of Legal Counsel Service
Stoyko, Steven CAL - School of Mgmt Dept Non Pay
Kaczmarowski, WL - SLHS Aud Clinic Rech Limited Term Lect
Weaver, Martha WL - Ed-Academic Services Mgmt/Prof
Weaver, Howard WL - 4Distr Sys Temporary
Kao, Dominic FW - Engineering Faculty

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