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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Matzat, Eugene A WL - Field Extension Educ Admin/Prof $ 67,020.96

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Matzat, WL - Ctr for Prf Stds in Admin/Prof
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Williams, Shannon WL - Ctr for Prf Stds in Post Doc Intern Res
Sochinski, WL - Ctr for Prf Stds in faculty
Koslowski, Marisol WL - Ctr for Prf Stds in Clerical
Brown Vega, Margaret WL - Ctr for Prf Stds in Fire/Police BW Sal
Gulker, FW - International Langua Mgmt/Prof
Flanagan, Kevin WL - Polytechnic Vincenne Operations/Technical
McCullough, Dorothea NC - Vice Chancellor Acad Service
Hamdani, May NC - Physical Plant Admin Temporary Cler/Serv
Cheeseman, Phillip CAL - International Progr Visiting Fac/Emeriti

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