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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Marvin, Justin D WL - 4Fire Dept Fire/Police BW Sal $ 64,127.99

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Marvin, WL - Aviation Technology facult
Faccio, CAL - Technological Infra Mgmt/Prof
Peterson, WL - 4Trans Temporary
Liu, WL - Card Services Office Support
Layman, FW - FW Dean of Students Clerical
Carpenter, Janet WL - Student Life Faculty
Haan, Katherine CAL - Chemistry and Physi Post Doc
Konicke, James WL - Electrical and Compute Service
Hung, Chen-Lung WL - 4Engr Techn Management
Ruan, CAL - EMSA Reporting Fire/Police Admin
Niles, CAL - School of Mgmt Fina Admin/Prof

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