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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Marques Melo, Joana M WL - CISTAR Post Doc $ 55,294.08

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Marques Melo, FW - Visual and Performing Police Hourly
Romero, Julian WL - Hall of Music Operat Service
Munson, Christina FW - General Stores Oper Post doc
Song, CAL - School of Liberal A facult
Fehrman, Sarah CAL - Facilties Faculty
Claxton, Laura WL - Pharmacy Temporary
Shah, CAL - Admissions Student
McChessney, Natalie WL - Hall of Music Operat Admin/Prof
Storms, Amy WL - 4RCAC Clerical
Nadelson, WL - Entomology Intern
Dalton, Timothy WL - Agronomy Farm Limited Term Lecture

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