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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Mantick, Nancy A WL - 4Forest Ntr Service $ 8,581.09

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Mantick, WL - VTH Cardiology Admin/Prof
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Falk, Gideon WL - Biological Sciences Temporary
Beason, Patricia WL - Vice President for H Mgmt/Prof
Dalton, Nathaniel NC - Admissions Student
Brewer, Nicole WL - 4UgradAdvis Service
Hudson, Cherie CAL - Grounds Faculty
Hosseini, Mahdi NC - Student Services Fire/Police BW Sal
Andronicos, WL - 3rd St Market Clerical
Hanawalt, Douglas WL - Center for Instructi facult
Shan, Jie WL - Statewide Technology Graduate Student

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