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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Lynch, Cyndi D WL - Academic Affairs Professional $ 56,031.00
Lynch, Eric S WL - SPS Professional $ 53,634.80
Lynch, Gerald J WL - Dept. of Economics Faculty $ 2,087.64
Lynch, Jeffrey L WL - Research Machine Ser Service $ 59,372.84
Lynch, Joseph H WL - Biochemistry M/P Professional $ 52,341.86
Lynch, Kathleen A WL - Ford Dining Service $ 44,149.66
Lynch, Krystal L WL - Nutrition Science Professional $ 50,015.28
Lynch, Ryan A WL - Polytechnic Indianap Limited Term Lecture $ 7,687.53
Lynch, Tamara WL - Academic Affairs Professional $ 55,180.58
Lynch-Greenberg, Jade L CAL - English Dept Limited Term Lecture $ 3,100.04

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Lynch, CAL - Sponsored Programs Clerical
Thompson, Leslie WL - 4Ofc Provost Admin/Prof
Clyde, Joseph WL - Student Orgs Admin Faculty
Vaughn, Eunice WL - Central Staff Benefi Graduate Student
Jackson, Kenneth WL - Bioinformatics Core M/P Professional
Larson, John NC - Valparaiso Academic Mgmt/Prof
Bagnoli, FW - 2History Operations/Technical
Witt, WL - Psychological Scienc Service
Kerkhoff, Robert WL - Financial Aid Student
Layman, WL - Strategic Management Temporary Cler/Serv
Kak, Avinash WL - 4PRFUDO Visiting Fac/Emeriti

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