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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Livergood, Christine L NC - Developmental Studie Admin/Prof $ 12,361.89

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Livergood, WL - 4BOT Service
Luo, Qian WL - Research Fire/Police Admin
Conners, Susan CAL - Housing and Residen facult
Salinas, Leandro WL - Office of Government Admin/Prof
Pezan, FW - Office of Institutio Post Doc Intern Res
Conners, James WL - Athletic Computing faculty
Durbin, Christine WL - Office of Government Temporary
Alley, George WL - Office of Government Non-exempt Prof
Chandrasekar, Srinivasan NC - Cal Building Service Student
Tarter, Madison FW - Office of Institutio Mgmt/Prof
Lazier, Joyce NC - Office of Institutio Post doc

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