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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Lindley, Dennis E WL - 4BldgServ WL Admin/Prof $ 50,315.10
Lindley, Jori M FW - 2Engl Ling Visiting Fac/Emeriti $ 47,218.25
Lindley, Velina C WL - 4AnimalDisea Service $ 36,264.35
Lindley, Verlin D WL - 4VP Research Service $ 29,293.90

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Lindley, CAL - Admissions Service
Skiba, NC - Heating and Power Admin/Prof
Muhammad, Ray FW - 2OffofEngage Temporary
Perissin, Daniele WL - Tarkington Residence Clerical
Aitalieva, WL - College of Pharmacy facult
Griggs, WL - 4Bus Ofc Lib faculty
Williams, Jennifer WL - LD Graduate Student
Denton, Nancy CAL - University Library Professional
Orlando, Paul CAL - Purchasing and Gene Mgmt/Prof
Russler, Cherie WL - Bindley Bioscience Student
Stingle, Sheila WL - Sociology Department Temporary Cler/Serv

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