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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Lewicki, Andrzej WL - Physics Mgmt/Prof $ 65,270.76

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Lewicki, WL - Earhart Residence Ha faculty
Denis, WL - Industrial Engineeri Service
Schmidt, WL - Military Science Temporary
Komasinski, CAL - Research and Graduate Admin/Prof
Lambert, Natalie FW - International Langua Professional
Burch, WL - Office of Investment facult
Infante, WL - Infrastructure Servi Mgmt/Prof
Aaron, CAL - 1Transport Student
Baker, Donna WL - Chemical Engineering Post Doc Intern Res
Kelly, Michael FW - DCS Credit Ops Clerical
Hicks, Scott FW - Educational Studies Police Hourly

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