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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Lehman, James D WL - LD&T Degree Prog Limited Term Lecture $ 40,934.92
Lehman, Joseph E WL - Hall of Music Service $ 26,649.22
Lehman, Michelle L WL - CAPS Professional $ 22,185.03
Lehman, Rita A WL - Building Services - Service $ 26,724.56
Lehman, Ryan T WL - Sports Performance Professional $ 50,194.08

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Lehman, WL - Rolls Royce Service
Shelton, WL - Intercollegiate Athl Student
Wilcoxson, Mitsue WL - COO Programs Temporary A/P
Xu, Qin WL Clerical
Senbetu, Elizabeth WL - Patti and Rusty Rueff Admin/Prof
Fisher, Marilyn WL - WL HILL RA Post Doc Intern Res
Kenttamaa, Hilkka WL - Naval Sciences Professional
Townsend, Jonathan WL - Course Design Post Doc
Narimanov, Evgeniy WL - Urban Market Fire/Police BW Sal
Gallant, Maxime WL - Mathematics facult
Garritano, Jeremy WL - WL Honors RA Graduate Student

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