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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
LaVanne, David J WL - 4PUConvos Admin/Prof $ 13,014.05

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
LaVanne, FW - College of Education Admin/Prof
Ristau, WL - KRACH Ops facult
Rockman, CAL - Human Resources Temporary
Rockman, WL - 4Chemical En Support
Bailey, Stephanie FW - 2HospTourMgt Service
Kurfiss, Elyse WL - Throckmorton-Purdue faculty
Bertino, WL - 4LdrshpDev Visiting Faculty
Begley, Jill WL - Accounting Clerical
Mudd, Matthew FW - Fine Arts Clin Res or NonTT
Bonebrake, Stephanie WL - Business Opportunity Clinical/Research
Rodesiler, WL - Ofc of Prof Develop/ Limited Term Lecture

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