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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Kwok, Tim WL - 4Birck Nano Admin/Prof $ 52,491.18

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Kwok, CAL - 1CollNursing Clerical
Luther, Jamie CAL - 1HisPolSciEc Service
McCartney, William CAL - 1CollNursing Visiting Faculty
Fife, Renee CAL - 1CollNursing Graduate Student
Ott, Vivian CAL - 1CollNursing Professional
Meharry, NC - Office of Institutio faculty
Harris, Allison CAL - 1EMSARepOpin Admin/Prof
Boyer, Jeffrey CAL - 1EMSARepOpin Limited Term Lect
Simmons, NC - Library Mgmt/Prof
McClure, NC - Library police
McInturff, NC - Registrar Student

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