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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Kovacs, Lisa K CAL - Registrar Professional $ 56,193.84

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Kovacs, FW - Development Office Faculty
Slipchenko, Lyudmila FW - Theater facult
Norris, WL - Physics Student
Wafford, WL - Chem Engr Service
Collins, Micheal WL - PHAi Non-exempt Prof
Mason, Linda NC - Social Science Admin/Prof
Connell, Heather WL - Polytechnic New Alba Clerical
Foray, Jennifer FW - Physical Plant Admin Graduate Student
Norris, NC - Purchasing Limited Term Lect
Beck, Dana WL - Marketing M/P Management
Newberry, Joshua FW - Public Policy Mgmt/Prof

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