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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Koontz, Benjamin A WL - Operations & Mai Service $ 55,462.69
Koontz, Caleb M WL - O&M -Purdue Vill Service $ 44,437.99

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Koontz, WL - Enrollment Mgmt Clerical
Virgin, CAL - 1PF Faculty
Knight, Lowell WL - 4Botany Mgmt/Prof
Knight, Terry WL - 4AOBO Service
Ragsdale, WL - Department of Food S Admin/Prof
Neal, WL - Board of Trustees Operations/Technical
Holbert, CAL - 1HistPhil facult
Langenhoven, WL - Board of Trustees Post Doc
Srinivasarao, Madduri CAL - Energy Efficiency and Limited Term Lect
Rosen, Jay WL - Materials Engineerin Temporary Cler/Serv
Li, Yuting CAL - 1Energy Ctr Continuing Lecturer

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