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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Kindred, Donald R WL - 4ITIS Admin/Prof $ 72,857.88

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
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Thompson, Claudette WL - MRI Center Recharge Student
Kingery, WL - Talent Acquisition Service
Larson, WL - MRI Center Recharge faculty
Springer, Christopher WL - Hoosier Heartland IS facult
Kellerman, WL - Quantitative Methods Clerical
Efendy, Eddy WL - Sm Anml Hosp Gen Adm Graduate Student
Beckley, Jeffrey WL - Office of The Indian Support
Maahs, Michael NC - Constuct Sci Continuing Lecturer
Henderson, Karen WL - 4ITIS Post Doc Intern Res

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