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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Kindred, Donald R WL - 4ITIS Admin/Prof $ 72,496.51

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
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Kindred, CAL - 1OffDisRes Admin/Prof
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Bilgri, James NC - Student Activities Limited Term Lect
Watkinson, WL - Veterinary Medical T Service
Pope, Robert WL - 4OVPITBusOfc Temporary Cler/Serv
Houser, John WL - Office Exec Vice Pre Mgmt/Prof
Padgett, WL - Communication Faculty
King, Joseph WL - 4Col of HHS facult
Cook, Peter WL - 4Meredith Temporary
Roach, Thomas WL - Center Comp Trans Re Continuing Lecturer
Ator, WL - The Education Store Operations/Technical

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