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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Kimble, Erin R NC - Nursing Limited Term Lect $ 2,039.99
Kimble, Steven J WL - Forestry and Natural Post Doc Intern Res $ 36,302.16

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Pysher, FW - Student Athletics Student
Kimble, FW - Student Athletics Mgmt/Prof
Huskey, WL - Field Extension Faculty
Stoll, WL - 4Biomed Eng Admin/Prof
Senichev, Alexander CAL - Technological Infra facult
Stone, Sue WL - Purdue Bands Service
Stompor, WL - Computer Science Continuing Lecturer
Stone, WL - Admissions Non Pay
Stoppenhagen, FW - DCS Credit Ops Temporary Cler/Serv
Misner, Elizabeth WL Operations/Technical
Stoppenhagen, Amy WL - 4HeatandPower Clerical

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