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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Ket, David M WL - HTM Foodservice Service $ 18,406.04
Ketterer, Debra A WL - Purdue University St Admin/Prof $ 33,787.55
Ketterer, Tracy M WL - Earhart Residence Ha Temporary Cler/Serv $ 57.33
Ketterman, Necia L WL - Office of Marketing Admin/Prof $ 48,009.48
Kettler, Tamara G WL - University Developme Admin/Prof $ 73,374.06

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Ket, NC - History Graduate Student
Hunter, Christine WL - Agricultural Economi Temporary Cler/Serv
Campbell, Shareesa WL - 4EAPS LTD
Goley, CAL - 1WLSHTM Clerical
Sakamoto, Elizabeth WL - College of Liberal A Operations/Technical
Henning, Elizabeth WL - Ofc of VP for Bsn Sv Admin/Prof
Janakiraman, Prabhu WL - Department of Manage Fire/Police BW Sal
Patterson, Charlyce FW - 2VC Financia Limited Term Lect
Allert, CAL - 1InstAdv faculty
Pike, Jefferson WL - Agricultural and Biolo Student
Schafer, Katherine WL - Heat and Power Adminis Mgmt/Prof

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