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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Kepner, Angela D WL - Intercollegiate Athl Clerical $ 30,659.24
Kepner, Michael A WL - Food Stores Admin/Prof $ 60,933.84
Kepner, Scott W WL - Speech Language and Admin/Prof $ 85,942.68
Kepner, Teresa L WL - Mathematics Clerical $ 29,432.02

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Johnson, Keith WL - Comparative Pathobio Continuing Lecturer
Kepner, WL - Comparative Pathobio Clerical
Aasand, Hardin WL - Communication faculty
Browna, WL - Communication Student
Johnson, Kaori WL - Columbus Statewide T Fire/Police Mgmt
Aaltonen, Pamela WL - College of Technolog Fire/Police BW Sal
Johnson, Cody WL - College of Technolog Fire/Police Admin
Aaltonen, Pamela WL - College of Science A Temporary
Johnson, Belinda WL - College of Science A Post Doc
saeed, tariq WL - College of Science A Support
Jing, Wuming WL - College of Pharmacy Fellowship Pre Doc

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