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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Kelly, Amber J WL - Biological Sciences Temporary $ 5,289.81
Kelly, Benjamin J WL - Math Stat & Com Limited Term Lecture $ 13,098.04
Kelly, Brian C WL - Sociology Faculty $ 230,071.53
Kelly, Daniel T WL - Animal Sciences Professional $ 11,022.77
Kelly, Daniel R WL - Philosophy Faculty $ 75,891.72
Kelly, Gerald R WL - Animal Science Farm M/P Management $ 60,610.94
Kelly, Janice R WL - Psychological Scienc Faculty $ 139,383.81
Kelly, Linda J WL - Student Orgs Admin Temporary $ 715.00
Kelly, Megan L WL - VTH Anesthesia Service $ 40,187.46
Kelly, Penelope S WL - Academic Programs Support $ 44,641.50
Kelly, Rachel M WL - Libraries Admin Support $ 21,513.96
Kelly, Robert S WL - Field Extension Professional $ 65,340.08
Kelly, Sean T WL - ECN Professional $ 55,184.42
Kelly, Sheryl L WL - Biological Sciences Support $ 62,337.56

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Kelly, WL - Nimitz Nursery RA Clerical
Stuber, Merievelyn WL - Machine Shop Rchg Temporary
De La Croix, Kent WL - Nimitz Nursery RA Temporary A/P
Weller, Worth WL - Starbucks Faculty
De Groot, Jerry CAL - Electrical and Comp Student
De Groot, Jerry FW - University Relations Service
smith, FW - 2OACS Limited Term Lecture
De Bonte, Pamela WL - Engineering Honors Fire/Police BW Sal
De Armond, Nicole WL - Engineering Honors Admin/Prof
Andrejevich, Milan WL - Engineering Honors Fellowship Pre Doc
Zahner, Sigrid WL - Engineering Honors facult

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