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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Karalis Noel, Tiffany B WL - Curriculum & Ins Limited Term Lecture $ 17,627.44

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Karalis Noel, WL - Tarkington Residence Admin/Prof
Inti, FW - International Langua Professional
Dahl, Vickie WL - Honors College Clerical
Frazier, Frankie NC - Student Counseling Student
Wood, Carol CAL - Department of Biolo Support
Reshkin, William WL - Accounting Services Temporary
Jimenez, FW - 2StudInfoSys LTD
Rienstra Kirakofe, Jon WL - 4Conferences Executive
Jones, David CAL - University Division Faculty
Running, Andrew FW - Ofc of Acad Intern facult
Tucker, Cynthia WL - 4ACS Temporary Cler/Serv

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