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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Jolly, Marshay N WL - 4Bus Ofc Ed Mgmt/Prof $ 67,446.48
Jolly-Brown, Lori K WL - 4Hort/Land Operations/Technical $ 44,489.27

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Jolly, WL - Intercollegiate Athl Faculty
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Colon, Robert WL - Business Office Scie Service
Adair, WL - Business Office Scie Admin/Prof
Didelot, Mary NC - White Lodging School Fire/Police Mgmt
Frampton, Pam WL - Kokomo Statewide Tec Non-exempt Prof
Rodriguez, Jorge WL - Office of The Indian Temporary A/P
Itczak, Aaron WL - IT Customer Relation Police Hourly
Bordner, Shana CAL - Graduate Studies In Student
Snider, Nancy WL - Global Policy Resear Mgmt/Prof
Dixon, Cheryl WL - Engineering Computer Operations/Technical

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