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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Johnston, Catherine A WL - Vice President for H Admin/Prof $ 35,465.17
Johnston, Cliff T WL - Agronomy Faculty $ 164,781.13
Johnston, James K CAL - 1VCFinAdmin Mgmt/Prof $ 41,457.02
Johnston, James E FW - Grounds Service $ 50,356.90
Johnston, Joelda J WL - Hilltop Apartments Temporary Cler/Serv $ 130.10
Johnston, Michael R WL - English Faculty $ 70,906.06
Johnston, Susan J FW - Arts and Sciences Acad Admin/Prof $ 28,059.90
Johnston, Wendi M WL - Internal Audit Admin/Prof $ 87,976.08
Johnston-Murillo, Heidi L WL - Hillenbrand Residenc Admin/Prof $ 49,833.60

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Johnston, WL - Materials Engineerin Post Doc
Slucter, WL - Materials Engineerin Temporary Cler/Serv
Monroe, WL - Materials Engineerin facult
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Simons, WL - Libraries M/P Management
Hunt, David WL - Libraries Non Pay
Sinclair, WL - Kokomo Statewide Tec Clinical/Research
Sines, WL - Kokomo Statewide Tec Limited Term Lecture
High, Steven WL - International Progra Professional
Ryba, Thomas WL - International Progra Intern
Skinner, WL - International Progra Fire/Police BW Sal

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