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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Isley, Linda S WL - Central Staff Benefi Service $ 9,490.04

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Isley, NC - Vice Chancellor Acad Faculty
Sepulveda, Maria WL - Convocations and Lec Clerical
McDougall, Robert WL - WL TARK Housing M/P Professional
Dunlap, Sara FW - History Service
Dunlap, Sean WL - FSCL Limited Term Lect
McCormick, Robynne WL - WiEP Professional
White, Joseph WL - PCEE facult
McDonald, Kimberly WL - 4Wiley Student
McCullough, Allen WL - 4IGSDI Temporary
Tran, WL - 4BandG Mgmt/Prof
Gharehdaghimollahajloo, NC - Intramurals Clin Res or NonTT

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