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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Ibarra Cervantez, Cheryl A FW - FW Building Srvcs Service $ 22,427.80
Ibrahim, Iskander M WL - Biochemistry Post Doc $ 49,462.08
Ibrahim, Rabia FW - TRIO Programs Temporary $ 3,605.00
Ickert, Ryan B WL - EAPS M/P Professional $ 68,123.70
Idrissi Alami, Ahmed WL - Language & Cult Faculty $ 99,462.41
Idusuyi, Ashley WL - Pharm Prtc Resident $ 25,750.47
Igney, Richard L FW - University Police Ad Service $ 43,278.83
Igo, Janet L WL - Building Services - Service $ 22,962.04
Igusky, Brittany L FW - Continuing Studies Professional $ 40,883.82
Ikein, Ciara Y FW - DCS Credit Ops Temporary $ 5,850.00
Ikner, Martha F CAL - Admissions & Re Professional $ 50,030.04
Ileleji, Klein WL - Ag & Biological Faculty $ 136,491.87
Iler, Todd A WL - Admissions M/P Management $ 59,057.32
Iles, Jeffrey M WL - Athletics Facilities Service $ 36,060.52
Iles, Marcia D WL - Athletic Communicati Support $ 39,170.94
Iliev, Petre G WL - Rueff School of Desi Limited Term Lecture $ 8,395.00
Iliuk, Anton B WL - Biochemistry Temporary $ 7,200.00
Illingworth, Jessica M WL - Procurement Services Professional $ 20,201.62
Illingworth, Peter J WL - Purdue Ag Center Service $ 49,081.06
Imami, Ledina WL - Psychological Scienc Post Doc $ 52,279.20
Imany, Poolad WL - Electrical & Com Post Doc $ 5,165.33
Imboden, Eric A WL - Entomology Professional $ 66,276.72
Imboden, Lucas M WL - Entomology Temporary $ 15,594.00
Inamdar, Amruta A WL - Career Success Professional $ 49,174.99
Ince, Susan R WL - Benefits Professional $ 61,684.92
Indrei, Emanuel G WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 105,361.83
Indrutz, Janice A WL - Board of Trustees Professional $ 79,547.04
Inerowicz, Halina D WL - Ind St. Chemist M/P Management $ 75,208.08
Infante, Joann G CAL - Admissions & Re Support $ 27,921.05
Ingale, Swapnil Sushil WL - Mechanical Engineeri Service $ 33,021.03

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
I, WL - Purdue University St Resident
Garbacz, Ashley CAL - Campus Planning Mgmt/Prof
Meyer, Janette WL - Purdue Bound Residence Hall Couns
Heath, WL - Electrical and Compute Operations/Technical
Barnes, Sylvester WL - Operations and Mainten Police Hourly
Fellenstein, Carol WL - Grounds Intern
Ravai, NC - VC Information Servi Post Doc
Waldorf, Brigitte WL - EPICS Management
Paarlberg, Philip WL - College of Health an Limited Term Lecture
Pogranichniy, Sherry FW - Dean of Students Clerical
Guthrie, Mary WL - 4Op and Maint Service

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