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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Huse, Jayne E WL - Building Services Service $ 20,992.00
Huseman, Katherine L WL - Computer Science Clerical $ 30,370.94
Huser, Brooke R WL - Admissions Admin/Prof $ 27,011.69
Huser, Julie M WL - 4EM Analys/R Admin/Prof $ 66,452.96

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Huse, WL - La Salsa Admin/Prof
Brooks, Aimee WL - Glass Shop Rchg Limited Term Lect
Salazar, Izabel WL - VTH Bio Security Mgmt/Prof
Gelon, Sarah WL - Machine Shop Rchg Clerical
Walther, Hans WL - Building Services Clinical/Research
Matsuki, Kenji WL - 4ActvOrgPMU Faculty
Catlin, David WL - 4PMU Dining Student
Dong, Suchuan WL - Clinical Pathology Temporary Cler/Serv
Cole, Danny WL - 4Col of HHS Operations/Technical
Lu, Yung-hsiang WL - College of Business Graduate Student
McLane, Sean WL - 4AnimalDisea Service

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