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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Howell, Brian M WL - Field Extension Educ Admin/Prof $ 43,333.14
Howell, Clifton O NC - Information Services Admin/Prof $ 54,084.96
Howell, Daniel T WL - Office of Marketing Admin/Prof $ 58,226.94
Howell, David M WL - Office of Marketing Mgmt/Prof $ 57,707.63
Howell, Edward A WL - Vice President for R Mgmt/Prof $ 123,113.40
Howell, Eleanor A WL - Sociology Department Clerical $ 22,470.24
Howell, Gregory L WL - College of Education Operations/Technical $ 46,408.02
Howell, Joseph N WL - Engineering Computer Admin/Prof $ 62,599.74
Howell, Kathleen WL - Aeronautics and Astron Faculty $ 184,263.05
Howell, Linda A WL - Vice President for R Operations/Technical $ 41,805.80
Howell, Nicholas S WL - Vice President for H Admin/Prof $ 39,240.84
Howell, Sylvia C WL - College of Pharmacy Admin/Prof $ 56,592.25
Howell, Thomas H WL - Statistics Continuing Lecturer $ 19,775.03
Howells, Jefferson F WL - Senior Director EHPS Admin/Prof $ 46,749.67
Howells, Jennifer M WL - Financial Aid Admin/Prof $ 47,299.93

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Howell, CAL - Sponsored Programs Admin/Prof
Snider, CAL - 1OffResearch facult
Tapia, Maria CAL - 1OffResearch faculty
Hoskins, Edward WL - Project Management Limited Term Lect
Tapia, Maria WL - Science Bound Student
Tapia, Maria WL - Latino Cultural Cent Clinical/Research
Hodson, Matthew WL - Purdue Cancer Center Service
Evans, Jennifer WL - Academic Success Cen Temporary Cler/Serv
Lane, Emily WL - Science Bound Clerical
Blackwell, WL - EM Facility Recharge Mgmt/Prof
Yajima, Chikako WL - Latino Cultural Cent police

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