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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Hou, Keyong WL - Chemistry Post Doc Intern Res $ 14,032.65
Houchen, Claudia E WL - Field Extension Educ Admin/Prof $ 35,368.02
Houchin, Glenn E CAL - Building Services Service $ 10,182.86
Houck, David M FW - Dept of Comp Elec and Limited Term Lect $ 3,000.02
Houghton, Leon D WL - Animal Sciences Rese Operations/Technical $ 48,179.35
Hoult, Linda E WL - Veterinary Medical T Temporary Cler/Serv $ 4,347.00
Houltberg, Benjamin J FW - Professional Studies Faculty $ 68,794.64
Hountz, Diane L WL - Nursing Temporary Cler/Serv $ 16,000.00
Hountz, Randall A WL - Technical Assistance Mgmt/Prof $ 109,794.72
House, Cornelius G CAL - Dept of Foreign Lan Continuing Lecturer $ 24,603.49
House, Tanika S CAL - Financial Aid and Stu Admin/Prof $ 45,574.90
Houser, Darla J WL - Veterinary Medical T Service $ 23,419.75
Houser, John D WL - Operations and Mainten Service $ 36,062.97
Houser, Mark A WL - Grounds Service $ 28,871.12
Houser, Paul A FW - Building Services Service $ 22,063.73
Houshangi, Nasser CAL - Electrical and Comp Faculty $ 135,170.34
Housinger, Margaret M CAL - Mathematics Comput Limited Term Lect $ 5,429.98
Housley, Thomas L WL - Agronomy Faculty $ 87,912.55
Houston, Carol R WL - Purdue Memorial Unio Mgmt/Prof $ 56,089.86
Houston, Chad E WL - Building Services Admin/Prof $ 48,945.72
Houston, Kyla T WL - Wiley Residence Hall Mgmt/Prof $ 55,001.31
Houston, Ronald WL - Airport Operations Operations/Technical $ 56,170.84
Houze, R N WL - Chemical Engineering Faculty $ 119,452.80

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Hou, WL - Glass Shop Rchg Temporary
Baugh, WL - Purdue Systems Secur facult
Searcy, WL - 4Exploratory Service
Dainton, FW - Visual and Performing Graduate Student
Sapkota, FW - Campus Safety Limited Term Lect
Montes, Michael WL - 4Electrical Visiting Fac/Emeriti
Baumgardner, NC - Purchasing Student
Baxter, Emajean WL - President Jischke Support
Shively, Gerald WL - MSMBA Faculty
Nies, Wl Non Pay
Montesino, Max WL - Const Mgmt Tech Mgmt/Prof

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