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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Horn, Brian M FW - University Police Fire/Police BW Sal $ 57,252.46
Horn, Elaine L CAL - 1DisAccess Clerical $ 9,058.58
Horn, Jonathan P CAL - Maintenance Service $ 40,670.39
Horn, Samantha CAL - 1ColBusiness Admin/Prof $ 43,798.38
Horn, Thomas M WL - Operations and Mainten Service $ 54,839.77
Hornbach, Michael J WL - Field Extension Educ Mgmt/Prof $ 74,439.72
Hornbach, Vincent G WL - 4DigitalED Operations/Technical $ 36,611.59
Hornbeck, Lisa A WL - Vice President for H Clerical $ 37,665.95
Hornbeck, Sindie A WL - 4PolyLaf Admin/Prof $ 47,943.54
Hornberger, Teri L WL - Field Extension Educ Admin/Prof $ 50,478.12
Hornbrook, Nathaniel J WL - Communication Limited Term Lect $ 13,660.02
Horne, Emily A FW - Sociology Limited Term Lect $ 9,417.01
Horne, Pamela T WL - EM Operating Mgmt/Prof $ 227,308.28
Horner, Carl C WL - 4StdtRecBusS Admin/Prof $ 55,755.30
Horner, Gary M WL - Field Extension Educ Mgmt/Prof $ 59,513.20
Horner, Jane M WL - Field Extension Educ Admin/Prof $ 57,349.32
Horner, Trudi M WL - Financial Aid Admin/Prof $ 43,157.88
Horngren, Lynne G WL - College of Science A Mgmt/Prof $ 79,125.80
Horngren, Paul G WL - 4ActvOrgPMU Mgmt/Prof $ 76,688.28

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Horn, WL - 4Ag Econ Admin/Prof
Sawyer, Joseph CAL - School of Mgmt Dept Non-exempt Prof
Esman, Laura FW - Career Services Faculty
Petersen, Jacqueline WL - BIRS ROCHE Student
Dause, Audrey WL - Materials Engineerin Temporary
Brusnighan, Dean NC - Maintenance Mgmt/Prof
Meredith, Orville CAL - 1CollegeofED Post doc
Bartlett, Edward CAL - 1AdvisingCtr Fellowship Pre Doc
Rodibaugh, WL - Field Extension Operations/Technical
Turrell, Keri WL - Animal Sciences Clerical
Hannigan, Elaine NC - Communication Service

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