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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Hitze, Eric M WL - School of Management Admin/Prof $ 52,306.20
Hitze, Gretchen R WL - Vice President for S Admin/Prof $ 44,409.56
Hitze, Steven P WL - Building Services Service $ 23,308.83

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Hitze, CAL - Chemistry and Physi Continuing Lecturer
Maahs, Michael WL - Feldun - Purdue Agri facult
Beck, Kaethe WL - Mechanical Engineeri Mgmt/Prof
Parli, Kevin WL - 4Comm Post doc
Marks, Clinton WL - VTH Medical Records Clerical
Conde, Maria WL - Office of VP for Inf Admin/Prof
Oconnor, Ruth FW - Office Diversity and M Temporary
Arzola, WL - Building Systems faculty
Elf, WL - Student Life Graduate Student
Petre, WL - Chem Engr Professional
Lyznicki, Courtney FW - Anthropology Resident

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