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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Hilton, Aaron D FW - Information Technolo Admin/Prof $ 59,931.14
Hilton, Denise J WL - Office of Engagement Operations/Technical $ 31,449.84
Hilton, W M WL - Veterinary Clinical Clin Res or NonTT $ 112,848.46

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Hilton, WL - Wolcott Dept Post doc
Clark, Brian CAL - 1ColBusiness Admin/Prof
Ramirez, WL - Sociology Department Faculty
Massey, WL - BIRS ROCHE Clerical
Gritt, WL - Office of the Provos facult
Lehto, WL - Energy Management Temporary
Creek, Julie CAL - 1ISS Service
Sajkowski, WL - WL WIND RA Student
Creek, Megan WL - 4Treas and CFO Mgmt/Prof
Almond, WL - Computer and Informa Continuing Lecturer
Sener, WL - Radiological and Envir Visiting Faculty

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