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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Herbert, Kelly T CAL - Nursing Clin Res or NonTT $ 53,583.79
Herbert-Pucheta, Jose Enrique WL - Chemistry Post Doc Intern Res $ 6,864.73

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Herbert, WL - Mathematics Visiting Fac/Emeriti
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Osborne, David WL - 4Comptrol WL Faculty
Stevens, Kevin WL - Hawkins Hall Graduate Student
Nichols, FW - Professional Studies Student
Noie, Jennifer WL - Discovery Park Admin Non Pay
Seaborn, WL - 4CPK Service
Gregory, Courtney WL - Libraries Mgmt/Prof
Mummert, WL - Animal Science Farm Temporary
Njocklibii, WL - Marketing Recruitin facult
Staack, WL - Purdue Convocations Fire/Police BW Sal

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