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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Hawes, Matthew T CAL - Information Service Admin/Prof $ 59,781.39
Hawes, Pamela J WL - Field Extension Educ Clerical $ 26,588.00

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Hawes, FW - Theater Service
Maxie, WL - Physics Non-exempt Prof
Vaillancourt, Michael WL - Chem Engr Student
Laporte, WL - PHAi Admin/Prof
Kerkhoff, Justin NC - Social Science Clerical
Rogowski, WL - Polytechnic New Alba Faculty
Watts, Val FW - Physical Plant Admin Graduate Student
Rohler, NC - Purchasing Limited Term Lect
Rice, Jo Anna WL - Marketing M/P Management
Buescher, Elizabeth FW - Public Policy Mgmt/Prof
Rorick, WL - Civil Engineering Operations/Technical

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