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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Hamm, Lindsay M WL - Sociology Department Continuing Lecturer $ 25,006.88
Hammac, Gena K WL - Comparative Pathobio Clin Res or NonTT $ 113,351.58
Hammack, Clifford M WL - Ofc of International Admin/Prof $ 64,886.70
Hamman, Justin D WL - College of Health an Admin/Prof $ 40,034.85
Hammer, John A WL - Ctr:Ed and Rsrch:Info Admin/Prof $ 92,080.50
Hammock, Matthew D WL - Intercollegiate Athl Admin/Prof $ 57,686.60
Hammond, Max A WL - Mechanical Engineeri Post Doc Intern Res $ 47,877.06
Hammoud, Abrar WL - Communication Continuing Lecturer $ 49,911.36
Hammoud, Amy L CAL - 1CollNursing Faculty $ 63,214.45

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Hamm, WL - MBA Weekend Post Doc
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Yenerich, David WL - 4Sr Dir EES Faculty
Oechsle, Curt WL - WL HARR RA Admin/Prof
Dunmire, FW - Library Service
Haley, Benjamin WL - WL Honors Admin Non-exempt Prof
Freeman, Sandra WL - WL Honors Admin Fire/Police Admin
Miller, FW - Campus Credentials a Student
Hung, Chen-Lung FW - 2CCT Operations/Technical
Yazvac, Cherietta FW - 2CCT Limited Term Lect
Mooney, Shari FW - Campus Credentials a Clerical

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