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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Hales, Patricia L CAL - Communication and C Continuing Lecturer $ 29,073.19

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Hales, CAL - 1PubSafety Fire/Police Mgmt
Schweitzer, Mary FW - Chancellor Admin/Prof
Martin, WL - Chemistry facult
Hitt, WL - KRACH Ops Professional
Root, FW - Summit Scholars Prog Faculty
Carlson, Gene FW - Library Post doc
Niles, WL - Southern Indiana-Pur Service
Iler, WL - Summer Programs OT-CLOSED GROUP
Criswell, Alicia WL - WL TARK Admin Operations/Technical
Pascuzzi, Pete WL - Office of Engagement Student
Hamer, WL - Business Office Agri Clerical

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