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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Grimmer, Judith A WL - Center for Paralysis Service $ 37,958.38

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Grimmer, NC - Information Services Admin/Prof
Kinzig, WL - LSAMP/AGEP Post Doc Intern Res
Yorzinski, Jessica NC - Switchboard Operatio Service
Gavande, Navnath CAL - VC Finance Clin Res or NonTT
St John, Sarah WL - 4Schl Cnst M Clerical
Romines, WL - Agricultural Economi Clinical/Research
Brewer, Kathryn WL - 4REM WL Faculty
Stella, Judith FW - Purchasing Graduate Student
Jensen, Katelyn NC - Campus Planning Limited Term Lecture
Ness, Genevieve FW - English Limited Term Lect
Thiel, Eric WL - Cary Quadrangle M/P Management

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