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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Green, Brad J WL - Grounds Service $ 33,186.61
Green, Brandy J WL - 4MilSciTech Clerical $ 30,895.19
Green, Corwin S WL - Chemical Engineering Admin/Prof $ 42,273.36
Green, Eric J WL - Educational Studies Faculty $ 48,934.14
Green, Henry W WL - Veterinary Clinical Faculty $ 131,877.00
Green, Janet K WL - Nutrition Science Admin/Prof $ 45,277.38
Green, Judith L WL - Office of Marketing Clerical $ 35,433.26
Green, LaVon C CAL - 1QuantBusSt Limited Term Lect $ 9,000.00
Green, Lisa M WL - Agronomy Clerical $ 34,917.76
Green, Mary L NC - The College of Scien Clerical $ 1,525.20
Green, Seth J FW - Fine Arts Faculty $ 29,013.96
Greenan, James P WL - Curriculum and Instr Faculty $ 116,382.18
Greenberg, Diane P WL - Graduate School Admi Clerical $ 13,977.00
Greenberg, Eric L WL - 4Police Dept Police Hourly $ 76,389.30
Greenberg, Lisa M WL - 4BOSO Ops Clerical $ 27,983.47
Greene, Brian P WL - Intercollegiate Athl Admin/Prof $ 51,212.24
Greene, Christopher H WL - 4PhysandAstr Faculty $ 196,029.10
Greene, John O WL - Communication Faculty $ 101,717.92
Greene, John P WL - Grounds Service $ 33,996.33
Greene, Kelly P WL - Owen Residence Hall Service $ 6,150.60
Greene, Kevin P WL - 4ActvOrgPMU Service $ 7,278.97
Greene, LaTayna D WL - 4Conferences Admin/Prof $ 30,685.49
Greene, Megan E WL - Engineering Computer Admin/Prof $ 40,195.02
Greene, Rolando P WL - Intercollegiate Athl Mgmt/Prof $ 229,251.69
Greene, Troy M WL - 4Police Dept Temporary Cler/Serv $ 455.00
Greener, Jeanette L WL - Certificate Program Admin/Prof $ 63,962.42
Greenwalt, Teresa F WL - Office of VP for Inf Clerical $ 30,808.07
Greenwell, Charna T WL - Speech Language and Clin Res or NonTT $ 78,666.60
Greenwood, Donald S WL - 4Police Dept Temporary Cler/Serv $ 262.50
Greenwood, Kathy A WL - 4DigitalED Operations/Technical $ 55,096.74

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Green, WL - Physical Facilities- facult
Terrell, Clint WL - Physical Facilities- Professional
Lopez, Maribel WL - Operations Fire/Police Mgmt
Wiedenhoeft, WL - 4Glbl Affr Temporary
Kayden, WL - Physical Facilities- Service
Lee, Jinhyun WL - Physical Facilities- Admin/Prof
Tran, Elizabeth WL - 4OCGP Clerical
Mylrea, Brian CAL - Central Heating and C Clinical/Research
Dignam, Robert CAL - Central Heat-Cool Faculty
Fritz, Laura WL - 4Electrical Graduate Student
Payne, Lindsey FW - Office of Internatio Limited Term Lect

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