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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Graham, Chad D FW - Printing Services Service $ 31,657.60
Graham, Colin D FW - Anthropology Admin/Prof $ 27,638.41
Graham, Cynthia A NC - Office of Institutio Admin/Prof $ 48,490.56
Graham, Delayne K WL - College of Liberal A Operations/Technical $ 39,015.02
Graham, Laurie A WL - 4WGSS Admin/Prof $ 66,456.96
Graham, Richard E CAL - University Police D Temporary Cler/Serv $ 750.00
Graham, Sue H WL - Liberal Arts Counsel Admin/Prof $ 30,439.98
Graham, T L WL - Operations and Mainten Admin/Prof $ 90,259.26
Graham, Tena L WL - Horticulture and Lan Operations/Technical $ 16,337.60

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Graham, WL - O facult
Sadeghi, WL - 4CMSC Temporary
Niedenthal, WL - Card Services Office Faculty
Gothard, James WL - Cary Quadrangle Admin/Prof
Sculptoreanu, WL - Computer Science Service
Walbourn, FW - Vice Chancellor for Student
Dardeen, WL - President Temporary Cler/Serv
Zhang, FW - Admissions Post doc
Padgett, WL - 4Wind Dining Clerical
Parli, Kevin WL - Southeast-Purdue Agr Executive
Hung, Chen-Lung FW - Career Services Post Doc Intern Res

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