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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Gordon, Darla S WL - Communication Operations/Technical $ 35,439.69
Gordon, Darlene WL - Intercollegiate Athl Temporary Cler/Serv $ 1,100.00
Gordon, Gilbert L WL - Mechanical Engineeri Admin/Prof $ 58,879.02
Gordon, James A WL - Statewide Technology Limited Term Lect $ 3,261.00
Gordon, Kathleen D FW - Educational Studies Limited Term Lect $ 1,900.20
Gordon, Lee E WL - Vice President for S Mgmt/Prof $ 140,092.83
Gordon, Marsha K CAL - International Progr Admin/Prof $ 65,880.54
Gordon, Regina K FW - Office Diversity and M Clerical $ 21,483.00
Gordon, Steven B WL - Business Office VPR Admin/Prof $ 40,312.56

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Gordon, CAL - Counseling Center Temporary Cler/Serv
LeFevre, David CAL - Counseling Center facult
Montalvo, Sandra CAL - Counseling Ctr Faculty
Gehlhausen, CAL - Counseling Ctr Temporary
George, Judy CAL - Counseling Center Service
Fincannon, Lori WL - 4Poly Anders Post doc
Gehres, CAL - Counseling Center Continuing Lecturer
Fincannon, Lori CAL - Counseling Center Clerical
Goldberg, FW - 2Odv Student
Fincannon, Lori FW - 2Odv police
Geiger, FW - 2Odv Professional

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