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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Given, Krispn J WL - Entomology Professional $ 45,655.54
Given, Rachel S FW - Media Services Temporary $ 1,069.00
Givens, Irving D CAL - University Police Temporary $ 120.00
Givens, Joel G FW - School of Education Faculty $ 33,017.70

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Given, WL - Harrison Grille facult
Pennington, WL - Harrison Grille Temporary
Shannonhouse, Josh - Polytechnic Columbus faculty
Jin, Ge - Polytechnic Columbus Limited Term Lect
Goetz, Jan WL - WL HLTP Housing Temporary Cler/Serv
Mourad, George FW - Continuing Studies Service
Kanitra, WL - 4Third St Post doc
Thomas, Margaret WL - 4Third St Continuing Lecturer
Bylsma, Christine WL - 4Third St Clerical
Franklin, WL - Outreach Student
Kuznar, Christine WL - Board of Trustees police

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