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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Gervais, Nancy L WL - HTM Foodservice Service $ 24,971.32
Gervais, Victor P WL - Div of Construction Continuing Lecturer $ 55,781.33

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Gervais, NC - Registrar Admin/Prof
Vanausdall, Rachel WL - WL Owen Housing Faculty
Overdahl, Carla FW - Office Diversity and M Service
Beiersdorfer, Elizabeth WL - Delphi Dept Mgmt/Prof
Behnke, WL - Engineering Professi Clerical
Martin, Andrew CAL - 1LearnTech Limited Term Lect
Stirm, Brenton CAL - 1AlumAffairs Student
Behring, Wl Continuing Lecturer
Weirich, Stephen WL - Military Science Temporary
Beier, WL - Ofc of Prof Develop/ Post doc
Emmons, Amanda WL - Strategic Management Police Hourly

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