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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Fornes, William L WL - Physics Mgmt/Prof $ 86,821.98

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Fornes, CAL - 1HR Admin/Prof
Hall, David CAL - Department of Biolo Faculty
Hall, Debra WL - Meredith South Resid Clerical
Hall, Susan WL - WL MCUT RA Support
Hicks, Billie WL - WL CQ RA Service
Richardson, DeWayne WL - WL CQ RA Mgmt/Prof
Haggerty, WL - WL MCUT RA Visiting Fac/Emeriti
Begley, Jill CAL - Assist Vice Chancel Temporary A/P
Parli, Kevin WL - Exploratory Studies Clinical/Research
Hall, Jason FW - CELT Limited Term Lect
Lafon, WL - 4SBBCLE Post Doc

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