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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Fordell, Delaney Q WL - Ofc of Grad Admissio Professional $ 33,022.86

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Fordell, WL - 4 Laf Stwd faculty
Lamb, Robert WL - Accounting Srvcs Temporary
Fisher, Laurie WL - Ofc of VP Stu Life Admin/Prof
Gehr, Rachel WL - University Theatre Service
Loy, Allison WL - FSCL Clerical
Ziaie, Babak WL - Department of Manage Operations/Technical
Webb, Ralph WL - Certificate Program Post Doc Intern Res
Routh, Charlette WL - Women in Management Graduate Student
Moore, Ellen WL - Global Eng Programs facult
Jennings, NC - Purdue Systems Secur Fire/Police BW Sal
Falk, Cathy WL - Susan Bulkeley Butle OT-CLOSED GROUP

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