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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Fleischhauer, Reena L WL - Discovery Park Admin Support $ 13,834.11

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
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Fleischhauer, WL - 4ActvOrgPMU Professional
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La Lopa, Joseph WL - Office of Future Eng Temporary Cler/Serv
Jett, Jane WL - Office of the Provos Student
Datta, Sumon NC - VC Enrollment Mgmt Admin/Prof
Christ, Sharon WL - Ofc of Provost Admin Continuing Lecturer
Choi, WL - WL FST Admin facult
Dasgupta, Anirban WL - Div of Construction Mgmt/Prof
Boor, Brandon NC - Student Services Service
Datta, Sumon WL - Burlington Dept Clerical
Downey, NC - Office of Institutio Visiting Fac/Emeriti

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