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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Fenton, Jack E WL - 4RCHE Mgmt/Prof $ 103,188.66
Fenton, James P FW - 2DeptofPubPo Limited Term Lect $ 2,174.99

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
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Fenton, WL - 4BusOfc Mgmt Admin/Prof
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Hurt, Sheila WL - DBM Admin Student
Brown, Diana WL - Purdue Institute for Temporary Cler/Serv
Chalk, Mandy WL - 4Dir Advis Police Hourly
Ezra, Aaron WL - Certificate Program Temporary
Hodson, CAL - Ctr for Innov thru faculty
Grider, Robert NC - Intercollegiate Athl facult
Rao, Ranjani NC - Safety and Security Operations/Technical
Lair, CAL - Ctr for Innov thru Service
Smith, Brent CAL - Ctr for Innov thru Support

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