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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Fell, Mark S WL - Grounds Service $ 47,208.84
Fell, Sheri A WL - Department of Food S Operations/Technical $ 55,923.23
Fellmy, Candy M WL - Shreve Residence Hal Service $ 10,140.23
Felluga, Dino F WL - English Faculty $ 84,727.31
Fellure, Debra S WL - Graduate School Admi Clerical $ 32,673.70

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Fell, WL - Philosophy Service
Szymonik, Shelley NC - Cal Building Service Limited Term Lect
Bennett, Brandon NC - Cal Building Service Professional
Jones, WL - Convocations and Lec facult
Davis, Douglas WL - 4BD Morgan Student
Bordelon, Bruce WL - MRI Center Recharge Temporary
Burgwald, Beryle WL - MRI Center Recharge Mgmt/Prof
Li, NC - Maintenance faculty
Hacker, Jennifer FW - History Clin Res or NonTT
Mlynarczyk, Eric NC - Maintenance Operations/Technical
Stevens, Stacy WL - School of Management Admin/Prof

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