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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Excell, Donna J NC - Communication Limited Term Lect $ 7,980.04

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Excell, CAL - 1Counsel Ctr Clerical
Gross, Lisa FW - Dept of Comp Elec and Admin/Prof
Haas, Megan CAL - 1OffResearch Professional
Wallar, WL - Physical Facilities Temporary
Sadler, WL - Physical Facilities Faculty
Lee, Sanghun WL - Physical Facilities Student
Georgeff, WL - Physical Facilities Mgmt/Prof
Mow, Pamela WL - Hilltop Apartments Service
Quirk, Jill WL - Hilltop Apartments Operations/Technical
Gill, Wayne WL - Hilltop Apartments Fire/Police BW Sal
Quirk, Jill WL - Hilltop Apartments Temporary Cler/Serv

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