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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Evans, Alicia L WL - Building Services Service $ 24,543.04
Evans, Ashley R CAL - Building Services Service $ 24,772.62
Evans, Austin B WL - 4SATT Limited Term Lect $ 28,312.63
Evans, Candice L WL - College of Health an Temporary Cler/Serv $ 5,509.40
Evans, Charlene S WL - Psychological Scienc Service $ 38,384.70
Evans, David A WL - 4ConsSci Admin/Prof $ 68,374.02
Evans, Diana J WL - Forestry and Natural Operations/Technical $ 44,053.46
Evans, Dore M WL - 4ActvOrgPMU Operations/Technical $ 37,761.76
Evans, Elizabeth A CAL - Human Resources Admin/Prof $ 26,256.50
Evans, Emma CAL - 1RileyCenter Temporary Cler/Serv $ 5,004.03
Evans, G D WL - Discovery Park Admin Operations/Technical $ 39,206.04
Evans, Gary W WL - Department of Manage Continuing Lecturer $ 117,353.12
Evans, Gary WL - Grounds Mgmt/Prof $ 36,440.91
Evans, Jacqueline L WL - 4PolyLaf Limited Term Lect $ 7,137.61
Evans, Jeffrey J WL - 4Polytechnic Faculty $ 161,803.86
Evans, Jennifer J CAL - 1OffResearch Admin/Prof $ 47,527.67
Evans, Jessica L WL - 4BOfcStdLife Clerical $ 32,851.94
Evans, Kathryn M WL - Patti and Rusty Rueff Admin/Prof $ 39,229.02
Evans, Kelley J WL - Building Services Service $ 22,246.91
Evans, Kellie E CAL - Athletics Admin/Prof $ 28,737.48
Evans, Kerri E FW - Dental Education Temporary Cler/Serv $ 5,223.42
Evans, Kristina L WL - 4REM WL Admin/Prof $ 53,256.74
Evans, Larry A FW - Building Services Service $ 19,053.70
Evans, Lillian D WL - 4DDI Admin/Prof $ 23,368.65
Evans, Mark G WL - Field Extension Educ Mgmt/Prof $ 67,330.80
Evans, Nicole C CAL - Department of Biolo Faculty $ 67,631.35
Evans, Nina M CAL - University Police D Police Hourly $ 53,832.69
Evans, Robert F WL - College of Education Mgmt/Prof $ 87,252.18
Evans, Ronald D WL - Mechanical Engineeri Admin/Prof $ 77,289.80
Evans, Roy E CAL - Construction Scienc Faculty $ 79,715.76

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Evans, WL - University Theatre Limited Term Lect
Mangus, H WL - Woodland Management Admin/Prof
Beltz, Jess WL - Curriculum facult
Pushkar, Yulia CAL - Instructional Techn Post Doc Intern Res
Campbell, Robert WL - 4AAARCC Mgmt/Prof
Storms, Brandon CAL - 1AdvisingCtr Operations/Technical
Sousa da Fonseca, Pedro Jose NC - VC Enrollment Mgmt Temporary Cler/Serv
Nikolovski, Kimberly WL - Director of Dining Faculty
Austerman, Hannah WL - Dining Food Truck Service
Blackstock, Stephanie FW - Engineering and Techno Student
Osborn, WL - Enrollment Mgmt Clinical/Research

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