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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Eaton, Jeffrey P WL - Men's Football Professional $ 9,189.37
Eaton, John C WL - Sports Medicine Professional $ 45,689.01
Eaton, Muriel WL - MedChem/Molecul Phar Fellowship Pre Doc $ 3,791.24
Eaton, Tracy K WL - Nutrition Science Professional $ 34,149.64

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Eaton, FW - College of Education Faculty
Frye, Dawn WL - PMU Ops Service
Conde, Maria FW - Manufacturing and Cons Continuing Lecturer
Anderson, Michael NC - Student Athletics Operations/Technical
Vazanellis, WL - Sr Dir EHPS Admin Admin/Prof
Busarow, Jonathan NC - Student Athletics Mgmt/Prof
Anderson, Candace NC - Student Athletics Fellowship Pre Doc
Cunningham, Kelly NC - Student Athletics facult
Osterling, Joanna NC - Student Athletics Student
Canarecci, Angela NC - Student Athletics Fire/Police BW Sal
Brooks, Elizabeth WL - Field Extension Educ Clin Res or NonTT

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